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payments Payments

Business Account Payment - Instant1.0.2

  • Early access

Initiate instant and pre-authorized single payments for corporate accounts.


Pre-authorize payments

Authorize transactions directly in your preferred system without extra authorization in other online banking channels.


Transfer instantly

Initiate transactions that will be processed instantly from your corporate accounts.


Automate your payments flow

Reduce manual errors by creating an automated and fully integrated payment flow.


Use this API to fully automate the process of initiating transactions from your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Treasury Management System (TMS), or any other financial system. The API provides pre-authorized (signed) and instant payment functionalities. These functionalities can be integrated depending on your specific usage. This makes the overall process of initiating transactions faster and easier.

ABN AMRO's other payment API (Business Account Payment API) supports batch-driven transactions, following the regular payments processing. The Business Account Payment Instant API focusses on single transactions and instant payments processing. This enables you to automate the payments flow and provides you with the opportunity to directly optimize your financial value chain. 

This API supports the ISO20022 XML format, and the authorization of the transactions can be done using JSON Web-signature. 

Note: At this moment the payments will still follow the regular payments processing. The instant payment processing will be added in a later stage. 


To use this API in a production environment, you must have the following:

  • An ABN AMRO Business Current account registered in the Netherlands.
  • A contract for Internet Banking Business or Access Online.
  • A TLS certificate of the type Organisation Validation (OV) or Extended Validation (EV) from Digicert, Quo Vadis, Sectigo or Entrust without wildcard options. 
  • A TLS certificate of the type Extended Validation (EV) from Digicert, Quo Vadis, Sectigo or Entrust without wildcard options for JSON Web Signature generation. This can not be the same certificate as the TLS certificate for authentication (bullet above).
  • The organization name issued on the certificates must correspond to the name of the API contract holder.


Use this API to initiate: 

  • Single SEPA Credit Transfers
  • SEPA Direct Debits
  • Cross Border payments

Usable by:

This API can be used by ABN AMRO business customers.


This API is available for ABN AMRO Business Current Account in the Netherlands only.

Note: This API is currently in Early Access (pilot phase) and therefore limited to a fixed number of users, at this moment, the pilot is full.

How it works


1. Setup your application

Integrate the Business Account Payment Instant API into your application.


2. Initiate the transactions

Initiate the transactions that you want executed directly from your application.


3. Execute the transaction instantly

As transactions are pre-authorized, your payments will be executed instantly.

Try it out

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What do you need to use this API

1. Start building your application in the sandbox.

2. Get an ABN AMRO Business Account Number.

3. Get a contract for Internet Banking Business or Access Online.

4. Get a TLS certificate for authentication which is accepted by ABN AMRO Bank.

5. Get a TLS certificate for JSON Web Signature generation which is accepted by ABN AMRO Bank.

6. Request production access at ABN AMRO.

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