- Payments
- Accounts
Account Information (PSD2)
- Live
Retrieve information from an ABN AMRO account, such as: transactions, balance, and name of the account holder.
- Accounts
Confirmation Availability Funds (PSD2)
- Live
Retrieve confirmation on the availability of funds from an ABN AMRO account.
- Accounts
Business Account Insight
- Live
Receive automated transaction data from your bank account.
- Accounts
Business Account Insight - Batch Transaction Details
- Live
Retrieve details of all the individual transactions within a batch.
- Payments
Business Account Payment
- Live
Initiate payments and retrieve information on the status of corporate account transactions.
- Payments
Business Account Payment - Instant
- Early access
Initiate instant and pre-authorized single payments for corporate accounts.
- Accounts
Business Account Notification
- Early access
Receive event notifications for a range of use cases and automate cash management processes when account changes occur.
- Accounts
IBAN-Name Check
- Live
- Powered by SurePay
Perform checks on the correctness of your customer and supplier data.
- Treasury
FX Trade
- Live
Receive real-time foreign exchange rates and initiate currency conversions.
- Payments
- Live
Enables Tikkie business customers to create payment requests.
- Payments
Tikkie Cashback
- Live
Enables Tikkie business customers to create cashback tokens.
- Investments
Consumer Investments Instrument
- Live
Retrieve Investment Instrument details or Instrument List.
- Tools
Authorization Code
- OAuth
The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code authorization process enables Third-Party Payment Service Providers (TPPs) to authenticate themselves and request consent from an ABN AMRO client.
- Tools
Client Credentials
- OAuth
The OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials authorization process enables consumers to authenticate themselves using client credentials and receive an OAUTH 2 access token. This token is used when making calls to an API product on the ABN AMRO API gateway.