
Receive real-time foreign exchange rates and initiate currency conversions.
Request real-time foreign exchange rates on the world’s most traded currencies.
Convert currencies against real-time quotes and retrieve information on the status of your trades.
Prevent risk accumulation by micro-hedging small foreign currency exposures.
The Foreign Exchange (FX) Trade API enables you to request real-time rates and quotes on the world’s most traded currencies. You can also retrieve the status and details of previously requested quotes and trade executions. The transacted amounts will settle over your ABN AMRO foreign currency accounts on the selected settlement date.
This API is available to corporate customers who specifically want to execute a high number of foreign exchange transactions in small amounts. Companies that typically face these challenges are: travel agencies, tour operators, and payment service providers.
Other companies that can benefit from using this API are firms that look for high levels of automation. This API facilitates integration with ERP and in-house Treasury systems. Together with the Account Information and Payments Initiation APIs from ABN AMRO, customers can automate complete payments and FX hedging workflows.
To use this API in a production environment, you must have the following:
This API can be used by ABN AMRO Corporate Customers.
This API is available internationally.
TravelEssence is a travel agency that develops customized trips to Australia and New Zealand. Every trip they create is unique, in fifteen years there has not been one trip that was the same.
When the client agrees with the trip proposal, TravelEssence has to make the payments in foreign currency. With the FX Trade API, ABN AMRO has created a new system that allows TravelEssence to link to ABN AMRO’s banking system to fully automate the booking of these transactions. With it, the company hedges themselves against the currency risk.
Implement the FX Trade API into your application and make it visible to the user.
Request real-time rates and quotes from ABN AMRO for the world’s most traded currencies.
After initiating a request, you can retrieve information on the status of your trades.
1. Start building your application in the sandbox. |
2. Get a FX Trade contract. |
3. Request production access at ABN AMRO. |