We show our availability with the following terms: Operational, Outage, or Maintenance.
Service health
All services are operational.
Operational | Production |
Operational | Sandbox |
Operational | Development |
API Products
Want to know our API availability per month? Read our report for a full overview of our (PSD2) APIs (Dutch only).
Operational | Account Information (PSD2) |
Operational | Payment Initiation (PSD2) |
Operational | Confirmation Availability Funds (PSD2) |
Operational | Business Account Insight |
Operational | Business Account Payment |
Operational | Business Account Notification |
Operational | IBAN-Name Check |
Operational | FX Trade |
Operational | Tikkie |
Operational | Tikkie Cashback |
Suspect a problem?
Contact us to report an issue or to require any additional information.