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Payment Initiation (PSD2)1.6.8

  • Live

Initiate payments and retrieve information on the status of the transaction.


Transfer funds

Initiate a single payment and retrieve information on the status of the transaction.


Build new payment experiences

Develop applications that will enable new payment experiences and help your business grow.



This API uses PSD2 eIDAS compliant certificates. Any Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP) with a PSD2 license and a PSD2 eIDAS certificate can use this product.


The Payment Initiation (PSD2) API enables you to initiate single or batch payments from an ABN AMRO payment account to another account. You can also retrieve the status of a previously initiated transaction to keep track. 

Use this API to initiate payments, from accounts held at different banks, in your application. A payment can only be accessed with the ABN AMRO account holders permission. 


To use this API in a production environment, you must have the following:

  • A PSD2 licence: 
    To access ABN AMRO accounts as a third party service provider, you must have a PSD2 license that has been granted by a local competent authority. In the Netherlands, the local competent authority is De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). If you require access to accounts in other countries, you also need a license in those countries.
  • An EIDAS certificate: 
    ABN AMRO only accepts Qualified Website Authentication Certificates (QWAC) from Qualified Trusted Service Providers (QSTPs) that are on the trusted list with CEF Digital only. This certificate is used for identification, and is also required for OAUTH authorization when accessing APIs.

Related Brands


Use this API to initiate: 
  • Single payments:
    • SEPA payments
    • SEPA standing order payments
    • Cross-border payments
  • Batch payments:
    • SEPA payments
    • SEPA direct debits

Learn about PSD2


PSD2 Explained

A number of changes are taking place in the area of payment services. These changes relate to a new European directive PSD2 (Payment Services Directive). One of the main objectives of PSD2 is to boost competition and innovation in the area of payment services.

The most significant change for ABN AMRO customers is that they will be able to give licensed third parties access to their current accounts. For the customer, this will enhance and create new experiences.

Alongside banks, other companies and organisations will be able to access account information and initiate payment services. Customer permission is required.

Learn more

How it works


1. Initiate a payment

Within your application, initiate a payment from an ABN AMRO payment account to another account.


2. Request customer consent

Ask your customer to sign the payment by using the existing signing methods.


3. Execute the payment

Execute the payment.

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What you need to use this API

1. Start building your application in the sandbox.

2. Get a PSD2 license from the regulator.

3. Request a certificate for your connection (PSD2 QWAC EIDAS SSL).

4. Request production access at ABN AMRO.

5. Get consent from the customer.


Related APIs

  • accounts Accounts

Account Information (PSD2)

  • Live

Retrieve information from an ABN AMRO account, such as: transactions, balance, and name of the account holder.

  • accounts Accounts

Confirmation Availability Funds (PSD2)

  • Live

Retrieve confirmation on the availability of funds from an ABN AMRO account. 

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