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What do you need to use this API
Related APIs
Retrieve your client's investment positions, investment transactions, cash account balances, and cash transactions.
View detailed transaction histories, current positions, fees, and commissions for investment accounts.
Get up-to-date balances and transaction records for cash accounts.
Benefit from completely automated financial data that you can use to further optimize your internal processes.
This API enables Independent Asset Managers (IAMs) and other data intermediaries to access investment-related reporting data, including client positions, client transactions, client cash balances, and client cash transactions for the customers they represent. Designed for reconciliation purposes, the API ensures all data from the previous business day is available for retrieval at 7 a.m. on weekdays.
Note: this API is exclusively available for Business-to-Business (B2B) usage.
To use this API in a production environment, the following criteria must be met:
This API allows authorized users to:
Usable by:
Integrate our API into your application.
Request investment and cash account data based on your IAM banking agreement or cooperation agreement.
Receive investment and cash account data into your application.
1. Meet certificate requirements. |
2. Get sandbox access. |
3. Request production access (currently in early access). |
Retrieve Investment Instrument details or Instrument List.